Waiting for Baby
Waiting for Baby
This series of thematic workshops offer future parents the opportunity to support them during the prenatal and postnatal periods. The activities offered promote the overall health of future parents so that the birth of your child is a positive and balanced experience.
Pregnancy is an exceptionally emotional time; baby is here, taking its place more and more at every moment. Questions, fears, euphoria, curiosity are all feelings that can be felt during this period, often even during the same day! Several changes take place in the body of the pregnant woman, in the couple and also in the family during pregnancy. It is therefore important to be surrounded by people who listen to your needs. By building on the similarities between parents, we create a respectful space that values each experience and supports learning.
We will discuss various themes related to the arrival of a child. Osteopath, physiotherapist, birth assistant and other specializations will join the facilitator and the group to answer questions.
- The Workshops are aimed at future parents
- Series of 4 workshops of 2 hours each
- Mandatory registration
- Gratuit
To feel good during pregnancy, to prepare physically and mentally for the birth of the baby and to promote a smooth adaptation to the new family life.
By focusing on sharing between parents, we create a respectful space that values exchanges and offers learning based on experiences lived by other participants, in addition to supporting and intervening preventively with families in vulnerable situations.